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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 201 / Number 1

Hydraulic and Heated Equivalent Diameters Used in Heat Transfer Correlations

Juliana P. Duarte, Michael L. Corradini

Nuclear Technology / Volume 201 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 99-102

Technical Note /

Received:June 8, 2017
Accepted:October 5, 2017
Published:December 15, 2017

Hydraulic and heated equivalent diameters are approximations to account for different flow geometries in thermal-hydraulic analyses. Most of the empirical models used in single- and two-phase flow heat transfer are based on experiments in heated tubes and extrapolated to complex geometries by means of the equivalent diameters. For heat transfer calculations, as a general rule, the heated equivalent diameter must be used for bundle geometries and the hydraulic equivalent diameter for annulus geometries. The use of both diameters in different correlations is discussed and clarified in this technical note.