American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 163 / Number 1

Double-Diffusive Natural Convection in a Nuclear Waste Repository

Yue Hao, John J. Nitao, Thomas A. Buscheck, Yunwei Sun

Nuclear Technology / Volume 163 / Number 1 / July 2008 / Pages 38-46

Technical Paper / High-Level Radioactive Waste Management /

In this study, we conduct a two-dimensional numerical analysis of double-diffusive natural convection in an emplacement drift for a nuclear waste repository. In-drift heat and moisture transport is driven by combined thermal- and compositional-induced buoyancy forces. Numerical results demonstrate buoyancy-driven convective flow patterns and configurations during both repository heatup and cooldown phases. It is also shown that boundary conditions, particularly on the drip-shield surface, have a strong impact on in-drift convective flow and transport.