American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 191 / Number 3

Analytical Study on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of VHTR Fuel Block Geometry with Multiple Cylindrical Holes

Dong-Ho Shin, Su-Jong Yoon, Nam-Il Tak, Goon-Cherl Park, Hyoung-Kyu Cho

Nuclear Technology / Volume 191 / Number 3 / September 2015 / Pages 213-222

Technical Paper / Fission Reactors /

First Online Publication:July 13, 2015
Updated:August 7, 2015

In Korea, the Very High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (VHTR) PMR200 is being developed in the Nuclear Hydrogen Development and Demonstration project. Its core consists of hexagonal prism-shaped graphite blocks for the fuel and reflector, and each hexagonal fuel block contains 108 cylindrical coolant holes and 210 fuel compacts. Because of these holes and fuels, the heat transfer in lateral directions in the fuel blocks becomes very complicated. Especially in accident situations when forced convection is lost, the majority of the afterheat flows in the radial direction by conduction across the large number of coolant holes. Moreover, radiation heat transfer is supposed to be added to the radial heat transfer modes owing to the high temperature of the VHTR core. Because of these complexities in radial heat transfer, reliable modeling for effective thermal conductivity (ETC) is required in order to analyze the reactor core thermal behavior using lumped-parameter codes, which are often used to evaluate the integrity of nuclear fuel embedded in the graphite block. In this study, the ETC model adopted in the GAMMA+ code was introduced, and the adequacy of the model was assessed by the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code CFX-13. The results of the CFD analysis were consistent with the ETC model in general even if a slight disagreement was shown for the case of high temperature. From these analyses, it could be concluded that the ETC model adopted in the GAMMA+ code is an adequate model for the analysis of the PMR200 reactor core. Moreover, it was found that the effect of fuel gap can cause an overprediction of the ETC if the fuel compact thermal conductivity is larger than the applicable range of the model.