American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 191 / Number 1

Degradation of Nylon 6,6 Fire-Suppression Casing from Plutonium Glove Boxes Under Alpha and Neutron Irradiation

D. W. Millsap, M. E. Cournoyer, S. Landsberger, J. Tesmer, Y. Wang

Nuclear Technology / Volume 191 / Number 1 / July 2015 / Pages 106-112

Technical Note / Materials for Nuclear Systems /

First Online Publication:April 23, 2015
Updated:June 30, 2015

Nylon 6,6 tensile specimens, conforming to the casing for self-contained fire extinguisher systems, have been irradiated using both an accelerator He++ ion beam and a 5-Ci PuBe neutron source to model the radiation damage these systems would likely incur over a lifetime of operation within glove boxes. Following irradiation, these samples were mechanically tested using standard practices as described in ASTM D638. The results of the He++ study indicate that the tensile strength of the nylon specimens undergoes some slight (<10%) degradation while other properties of the samples, such as elongation and tangent modulus, appear to fluctuate with increasing dose levels. The He++-irradiated specimens also have a noticeable level of discoloration corresponding to increasing levels of dose. The neutron-irradiated samples show a higher degree of mechanical degradation than the He++-irradiated samples.