American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 149 / Number 1

Review and Research of the Neutron Source Multiplication Method in Nuclear Critical Safety

Yong-Qian Shi, Qing-Fu Zhu, He Tao

Nuclear Technology / Volume 149 / Number 1 / January 2005 / Pages 122-127

Technical Note / Reactor Safety /

The paper first briefly reviews the neutron source multiplication method and then presents an experimental study that shows that the parameter measured by the neutron source multiplication method actually is a subcritical effective neutron multiplication factor ks with an external neutron source, not the effective neutron multiplication factor keff. The parameters ks and keff have been researched for a nuclear critical safety experiment assembly using a uranium solution. The parameter ks was measured by the source multiplication method, while the parameter keff was measured by the power-raising period method. The relationship between keff and ks is discussed and their effects on nuclear safety are mentioned.