American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 185 / Number 2

Microfluidic-Based Robotic Sampling System for Radioactive Solutions

Jack D. Law, Julia L. Tripp, Tara E. Smith, John M. Svoboda, Veronica J. Rutledge, Troy G. Garn, Larry Macaluso

Nuclear Technology / Volume 185 / Number 2 / February 2014 / Pages 216-225

Technical Paper / Reprocessing /

A novel microfluidic-based robotic sampling system has been developed for sampling and analysis of liquid solutions in nuclear processes. This system couples the use of a microfluidic sample chip with a robotic system designed to allow remote, automated sampling of process solutions in-cell and facilitates direct coupling of the microfluidic sample chip with analytical instrumentation. This system provides the capability for near-real-time analysis, reduces analytical waste, and minimizes the potential for personnel exposure associated with traditional sampling methods. A prototype sampling system was designed, built, and tested. System testing demonstrated operability of the microfluidic-based sample system and identified system modifications to optimize performance.