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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 80 / Number 1

Numerical Simulation of Reflooding Behavior in Tight-Lattice Rod Bundles

Yoshio Murao, Tsuneyuki Hojo

Nuclear Technology / Volume 80 / Number 1 / January 1988 / Pages 83-92

Technical Paper / Advanced Light Water Reactor / Fission Reactor /

To evaluate the applicability of the reflood analysis code REFLA for ordinal pressurized water reactors to the analysis of reflooding phenomena in light water high conversion reactors (LWHCRs) with tight-lattice cores, a numerical simulation of the NEPTUN LWHCR test was performed with the REFLA code. The NEPTUN LWHCR test was performed at the Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research with a test section simulating the tight-lattice core of an LWHCR. The results indicate no potential problems in the use of REFLA for the simulation of reflooding behavior in tight-lattice rod bundles. To improve the code, however, it is recommended to modify models of core heat transfer at a high flooding rate and core water distribution (integration of droplet flow) in the axial direction, and to investigate core pressure drop and horizontal cross flow.