American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 80 / Number 1

Development Trends for Future French Pressurized Water Reactors

Bertrand Barré, Gérard Gambier, Claude Golinelli

Nuclear Technology / Volume 80 / Number 1 / January 1988 / Pages 11-17

Technical Paper / Advanced Light Water Reactor / Fission Reactor /

The pressurized water reactor (PWR) is today’s nuclear workhorse, exhibiting reliability, dependability, and economic competitiveness. Such achievements are no reason to stop improving this technology, as the users’ requirements are likely to increase in sophistication. Utilities will want greater load following capability, increased flexibility, and the ability to adapt to various fuel cycles in order to optimize per kilowatt hour costs and resource utilization. Many innovations are presently under scrutiny or under development to answer new or future requirements, i.e., burnup increases, spectral shift, and undermoderated cores. Ultimately, the future improved PWR will incorporate a number of these innovations on an “à-la-carte” basis.