American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 120 / Number 3

A Multisystem Modeling Approach for Uranium-Series Dating

Kari Rasilainen, Juhani Suksi

Nuclear Technology / Volume 120 / Number 3 / December 1997 / Pages 254-260

Technical Note / Radioisotopes and Isotope /

The sensitivity of the dating of long-term uranium attachment to bedrock fractures was studied using radioactive dis-equilibria in the natural 238U decay chain. For this purpose, fracture coating samples were taken from the uranium deposit at Palmottu, Finland. A general simulation model was derived for the evolution of the 234U/238U and 230Th/234U disequilibria. Instantaneous, continuous, and multistage uranium accumulation modes were tested to see their effect on the model age. All accumulations produced different, but internally consistent, model ages, except the multistage scenario that yielded a nonunique dating. The simulation model and scenario technique provide a good modeling approach, and the real challenge in uranium-series dating appears to be the quantification of the accumulation rates.