American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 1

An Assessment of Ex-Vessel Fuel/Coolant Interaction Energetics for Advanced Light Water Reactors

John G. Murphy, Michael L. Corradini

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 49-63

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

The occurrence of an energetic fuel/coolant interaction (FCI) below the reactor pressure vessel in the cavity of advanced light water reactors (ALWRs) are analyzed to determine the possible hazard to structural walls as a result of dynamic liquid phase pressures. Such analyses are important to demonstrate that these cavity walls will maintain their integrity so that ex-vessel core debris coolability is possible. Past studies that have examined this or related issues are reviewed, and a methodology is proposed to analyze the occurrence of this physical event using the IFCI and TEXAS models for the FCI as well as dynamic shock wave propagation estimates using hand calculations as well as the CTH hydro model. Scenarios for the ALWRs are reviewed, and one severe accident scenario is used as an example to demonstrate the methodology. Such methodologies are recommended for consideration in future safety studies. These methodologies should be verified with direct comparison to energetic FCI data such as that being produced in KROTOS at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra.