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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 115 / Number 2

Review of the Development of Waste Form Conditioning Processes in France

C. Courtois, J. P. Moncouyoux, E. Revertegat

Nuclear Technology / Volume 115 / Number 2 / August 1996 / Pages 198-207

Technical Paper / Characterization of Radioactive Waste in France / Radioactive Waste Management /

For many years conditioning processes have been studied and developed in France with the general objective of putting wastes into solid and stable waste forms having good leaching properties and long-term stability. The knowledge of radioactive characteristics of waste enables one to define what will be its final destination (near-surface or geological disposal) and the nature of the required conditioning and package with respect to French regulatory requirements. After waste materials have been treated prior to conditioning, they have to be encapsulated for transport storage and disposal. The main matrices (such as bitumen, glass, cement, polymers) and processes that have been developed in France are indicated. The state of art for each matrix is briefly reviewed taking into account long-term behavior studies. Main advantages and drawbacks are indicated. Recent developments are also briefly reviewed for previous matrices and also for new mineral matrices such as ceramics and molten metal. General consideration is given to the conditioning processes that have been studied and developed up to the industrial level in France.