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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 114 / Number 2

A Probabilistic Risk Assessment—Related Methodology to Support Performance-Based Regulation Within the Nuclear Power Industry

Renée M. Dubord, Michael W. Golay, Norman C. Rasmussen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 114 / Number 2 / May 1996 / Pages 169-178

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

Maintenance and inspection costs at nuclear power plants consume a large portion of a utility’s resources. The stresses of commercial competition make better resource allocation for such procedures vital. A nuclear power plant’s probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is an excellent source of information about the safety importance of various plant systems, structures, and components. As both the nuclear power industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission begin to focus attention on the use of performance-based regulation, it is important to find how best to put a nuclear power plant’s PRA to work in prioritizing maintenance and inspection resources. In light of these concerns, two ratios were developed to compare the risk significance of individual components to the amount of plant staff time, or burden, associated with inspecting the component. These risk-to-burden ratios point out existing disparities between inspection practices and safety concerns. These ratios can be used to develop new inspection schedules constituting a more equitable risk-to-burden distribution.