American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 113 / Number 3

Multiple-Failure Signal Validation in Nuclear Power Plants Using Artificial Neural Networks

Paolo F. Fantoni, Alessandro Mazzola

Nuclear Technology / Volume 113 / Number 3 / March 1996 / Pages 368-374

Technical Paper / Reactor Operation /

The possibility of using a neural network to validate process signals during normal and abnormal plant conditions is explored. In boiling water reactor plants, signal validation is used to generate reliable thermal limits calculation and to supply reliable inputs to other computerized systems that support the operator during accident scenarios. The way that autoassociative neural networks can promptly detect faulty process signal measurements and produce a best estimate of the actual process values even in multifailure situations is shown. A method was developed to train the network for multiple sensor-failure detection, based on a random failure simulation algorithm. Noise was artificially added to the input to evaluate the network’s ability to respond in a very low signal-to-noise ratio environment. Training and test data sets were simulated by the realtime transient simulator code APROS.