American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 107 / Number 2

Methods for the Determination of the In-Phase and Out-of-Phase Stability Characteristics of a Boiling Water Reactor

Tim H. J. J. Van Der Hagen, Imre Pázsit, Ola Thomson, Bengt Melkerson

Nuclear Technology / Volume 107 / Number 2 / August 1994 / Pages 193-214

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

Measurements, taken in the Ringhals-1 boiling water reactor after revision in 1990, showed that instability occurred at high power and low core flow. Measurements in several points of the power-flow map showed that the decay ratio (DR), obtained by conventional methods, jumps from a moderate value directly to unity. This was valid for DR values calculated from both average power range monitor (APRM) and local power range monitor (LPRM) signals. Thus, the conventional DR cannot be used as a measure of the margin to instability. It was found that both global (in-phase) and regional (out-of-phase) oscillations occur, the global with low DR but large signal amplitude, and the regional with high DR but low signal amplitude. The former dominates the DR calculated from both APRMs and LPRMs, except when the instability is fully developed and impedes detection of the actual margin to instability. Methods for obtaining the stability characteristics of both modes separately from neutron noise signals were developed. The DR of the out-of-phase mode appears to be a good indicator of the margin to instability.