American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 107 / Number 2

Consistent Generation and Functionalization of One-Dimensional Cross Sections for TRAC-BF1

José Luis Muñoz-Cobo, Gumersindo Verdú, Claubia Pereira, Alberto Escrivá, José Ródenas, Felix Castrillo, Juan Serra

Nuclear Technology / Volume 107 / Number 2 / August 1994 / Pages 125-137

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

A method of calculation of correct functionalized cross sections and diffusion coefficients for TRAC-BF1, based on the one-dimensional kinetic files of the tridimensional simulator SIMULATE-3, is developed. The method allows the user to obtain first the consistent one-dimensional cross sections, diffusion coefficients, and bucklings, which upon being inserted into TRAC-BF1 conserve the three-dimensional eigenvalues, the planar reaction rates, and the fast and thermal radially averaged fluxes at each axial node. This method also compensates for the differences between the thermal-hydraulic models of the three-dimensional simulator and the transient analysis code. The errors obtained with this method are very small.