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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 106 / Number 2

Fuzzy Power Control Algorithm for a Pressurized Water Reactor

Yung-Joon Hah, Byong-Whi Lee

Nuclear Technology / Volume 106 / Number 2 / May 1994 / Pages 242-253

Technical Paper / Reactor Control /

A fuzzy power control algorithm is presented for automatic reactor power control in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). Automatic power shape control is complicated by the use of control rods with a conventional proportional-integral-differential controller because it is highly coupled with reactivity compensation. Thus, manual shape controls are usually employed even for the limited capability needed for load-following operations including frequency control. In an attempt to achieve automatic power shape control without any design modifications to the core, a fuzzy power control algorithm is proposed. For the fuzzy control, the rule base is formulated based on a multiple-input multiple-output system. The minimum operation rule and the center of area method are implemented for the development of the fuzzy algorithm. The fuzzy power control algorithm has been applied to Yonggwang Nuclear Unit 3. The simulation results show that the fuzzy control can be adapted as a practical control strategy for automatic reactor power control of PWRs during the load-following operations.