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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 102 / Number 1

Global Analysis of Bundle Behavior in Pressurized Water Reactor Specific CORA Experiments

Wolfgang Hering, Kazuo Minato, Fumihisa Nagase

Nuclear Technology / Volume 102 / Number 1 / April 1993 / Pages 100-115

Technical Paper / Mixed-Oxide Fuel / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

At Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, out-of-pile bundle experiments are performed in the CORA facility to investigate the behavior of light water reactor fuel elements during severe fuel damage accidents. To analyze the phenomena observed during the tests, such as cladding failure, oxidation, and deformation, as well as their influence on the posttest bundle state, four pressurized water reactor specific tests are selected: CORA-2, CORA-3, CORA-5, and CORA-12. From each of these tests, a detailed global analysis using all the measured temperatures, pressures, and fluid compositions as well as videoscope information has been performed. To describe the posttest bundle state quantitatively, axial profiles of the bundle cross-section area, the damage state of the rods, the average cladding oxidation, and the damage to the pellets are measured. The effects of CORA-specific components on the bundle melt progression and the measured axial profiles are identified and assessed. Most of the observations during the tests as well as the posttest bundle state can be explained by the established common sequence of phenomena. For a better understanding of the melt progression, some physical phenomena, such as the energy release associated with the double-sided oxidation of the cladding, the melt release, or the melt relocation, must be analyzed in detail.