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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 145 / Number 3

System Analysis for Decay Heat Removal in Lead-Bismuth-Cooled Natural-Circulation Reactors

Takaaki Sakai, Yasuhiro Enuma, Takashi Iwasaki

Nuclear Technology / Volume 145 / Number 3 / March 2004 / Pages 287-297

Technical Paper / Thermal Hydraulics /

Decay heat removal analyses for lead-bismuth-cooled natural-circulation reactors are described in this paper. A combined multidimensional plant dynamics code (MSG-COPD) has been developed to conduct the system analysis for the natural-circulation reactors. For the preliminary study, transient analysis has been performed for a 300-MW(thermal) lead-bismuth-cooled reactor designed by Argonne National Laboratory. In addition, decay heat removal characteristics of a 400-MW(electric) lead-bismuth-cooled natural-circulation reactor designed by the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) has been evaluated by using MSG-COPD. The primary reactor auxiliary cooling system (PRACS) is prepared for the JNC concept to get sufficient heat removal capacity. During 2000 s after the transient, the outlet temperature shows increasing tendency up to the maximum temperature of 430°C because the buoyancy force in a primary circulation path is temporarily reduced. However, the natural circulation is recovered by the PRACS system, and the outlet temperature decreases successfully.