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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 101 / Number 2

Radis—a Regional Nuclear Accident Consequence Analysis Model for Hong Kong

Mankit Ray Yeung, Eric M. K. Ching

Nuclear Technology / Volume 101 / Number 2 / February 1993 / Pages 123-139

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

An atmospheric dispersion and consequence model called RADIS has been developed by the University of Hong Kong for nuclear accident consequence analysis. The model uses a two-dimensional plume trajectory derived from wind data for Hong Kong. Dose, health effects, and demographic models are also developed and implemented in RADIS so that accident consequences in 15 major population centers of Greater Hong Kong can be determined individually. In addition, benchmark testing results are given, and comparisons with the analytical solution and CRAC2 results are consistent and satisfactory. Sample calculational results for severe accident consequences are also presented to demonstrate the applicability of RADIS for dry and wet weather conditions.