American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 98 / Number 2

Sensitivity, Uncertainty, and Importance Analysis of a Risk Assessment

Risto S. Andsten, Jussi K. Vaurio

Nuclear Technology / Volume 98 / Number 2 / May 1992 / Pages 160-170

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

A number of supplementary studies and applications associated with probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) are described, including sensitivity and importance evaluations of failures, errors, systems, and groups of components. The main purpose is to illustrate the usefulness of a PSA for making decisions about safety improvements, training, allowed outage times, and test intervals. A useful measure of uncertainty importance is presented, and it points out areas needing development, such as reactor vessel aging phenomena, for reducing overall uncertainty. A time-dependent core damage frequency is also presented, illustrating the impact of testing scenarios and intervals. The methods and applications presented are based on the Level 1 PSA carried out for the internal initiating events of the Loviisa 1 nuclear power station. Steam generator leakages and associated operator actions are major contributors to the current core-damage frequency estimate of 2 × 10-4/yr. The results are used to improve the plant and procedures and to guide future improvements.