American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 145 / Number 2

Dynamic Comparison of Three- and Four-Equation Reactor Core Models in a Full-Scope Power Plant Training Simulator

Gilberto Espinosa-Paredes, Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Alejandro Nuñez-Carrera, Alfonso Garcia-Gutierrez, Elizabeth Jeannette Martinez-Mendez

Nuclear Technology / Volume 145 / Number 2 / February 2004 / Pages 150-162

Technical Paper / Thermal Hydraulics /

A comparative analysis of the dynamic behavior of a boiling water reactor in a full-scope power plant simulator for operator training is presented. Three- and four-equation reactor core models were used to examine three transients following tests described in acceptance test procedures: scram, loss of feedwater flow, and closure of main isolation valves. The three-equation model consists of water and steam mixture momentum, including mass and energy balances. The four-equation model is based on liquid and gas phase mass balances, together with a drift-flux approach for the analysis of phase separation. Analysis of the models showed that the scram transient was slightly different for three- and four-equation models. The drift-flux effects can explain such differences. Regarding the loss-of-feedwater transient, the predicted steam flow after scram is larger for the three-equation model. Finally, for the transient related to the closure of main steam isolation valves, the three-equation model provides slightly different results for the pressure change, which affects reactor level behavior.