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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 97 / Number 1

Analysis of Counterpart Tests Performed in Boiling Water Reactor Experimental Simulators

Roberto Bovalini, Francesco D’Auria, Antonio De Varti, Piero Maugeri, Marino Mazzini

Nuclear Technology / Volume 97 / Number 1 / January 1992 / Pages 113-130

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

The main results obtained at the University of Pisa on small-break loss-of-coolant accident counterpart experiments carried out in boiling water reactor (BWR) experimental simulators are summarized. In particular, the results of similar experiments performed in the PIPER-ONE, Full Integral Simulation Test (FIST), and ROSA-III facilities are analyzed. The tests simulate a transient originated by a small break in the recirculation line of a BWR-6 with the high-pressure injection systems unavailable. RELAP5/MOD2 nodalizations have been set up for these facilities and for the reference BWR plant. The calculated results are compared among each other and with the experimental data. Finally, the merits and the limitations of such a program are discussed in view of the evaluation of code scaling capabilities and uncertainty.