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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 96 / Number 3

Quantitative Fuel Motion Determination with the CABRI Fast Neutron Hodoscope: Evaluation Methods and Results

Kurt Baumung, Gérard Augier

Nuclear Technology / Volume 96 / Number 3 / December 1991 / Pages 302-313

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel Cycle /

The fast neutron hodoscope installed at the CABRI reactor in Cadarache, France, is employed to provide quantitative fuel motion data during experiments in which single liquid-metal fast breeder reactor test pins are subjected to simulated accident conditions. Instrument design and performance are reviewed, the methods for the quantitative evaluation are presented, and error sources are discussed. The most important findings are the axial expansion as a function of time, phenomena related to pin failure (such as time, location, pin failure mode, and fuel mass ejected after failure), and linear fuel mass distributions with a 2-cm axial resolution. The hodoscope results of the CABRI-1 program are summarized.