American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 95 / Number 1

A Rule-Based Expert System for Automatic Control Rod Pattern Generation for Boiling Water Reactors

Lian Shin Lin, Chaung Lin

Nuclear Technology / Volume 95 / Number 1 / July 1991 / Pages 1-8

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

An expert system for generating control rod patterns has been developed. The knowledge is transformed into IF-THEN rules. The inference engine uses the Rete pattern matching algorithm to match facts, and rule premises and conflict resolution strategies to make the system function intelligently. A forward-chaining mechanism is adopted in the inference engine. The system is implemented in the Common Lisp programming language. The three-dimensional core simulation model performs the core status and burnup calculations. The system is successfully demonstrated by generating control rod programming for the 2894-MW(thermal) Kuosheng nuclear power plant in Taiwan. The computing time is tremendously reduced compared to programs using mathematical methods.