American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 92 / Number 1

Application of Circular Filter Inserts

R. P. Pratt, B. L. Stewart, D. Loughborough

Nuclear Technology / Volume 92 / Number 1 / October 1990 / Pages 30-39

Technical Paper / Development of Nuclear Gas Cleaning and Filtering Techniques / Radioactive Waste Management /

An assessment of the problems associated with remote handling, changing, and disposal of filters suggests that significant advantages to filtration systems could be made by the adoption of high-efficiency particulate air filters with circular geometry for both new and existing ventilation plants. The circular filter development has considered filters for a range of flows from 45 to 3400 m3/h, for small gloveboxes to large-volume installations. The development has also concentrated on filter systems employing simple change techniques that take advantage of the circular geometry.