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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 2

A Generalized Methodology for Obtaining Quantitative Charpy Data from Test Specimens of Nonstandard Dimensions

Michael P. Manahan, Sr., Christopher Charles

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 2 / May 1990 / Pages 245-259

Technical Paper / Material /

Miniaturized specimen technology enables mechanical behavior determination using a minimum volume of material. A method for obtaining the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of ferritic steels was developed using a miniaturized notch test (MNT Comparisons between conventional and miniaturized specimen DBTTs show that the MNT specimens are capable of delivering a 41-J transition temperature shift with the same accuracy as that obtained using conventional specimens. The work reported here was performed on an American Society for Testing Materials A508 steel. Based on the promising results obtained, future work should be directed toward benchmarking and assessing the uncertainty of the method for other pressure vessel steels.