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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 2

Derivation of an Equation for Radionuclide Transport in Porous Media

Fu-Long Chen, Shih-Hai Li

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 2 / May 1990 / Pages 215-225

Technical Paper / Radioacitive Waste Management /

To analytically predict the transport of radionuclides in porous media, it is necessary to develop a complete mathematical model. This means that the mechanisms must be described and the governing equations derived, along with their general solutions for the transport processes. The four major mechanisms—ad-vection, dispersion, adsorption-desorption and ion exchange, and degradation—are physically described and mathematically modeled. Based on the classic principle of mass conservation in a control volume, the governing equation for the transport of radionuclides in porous media is derived, which may be called the advection-dispersion equation. Some general solutions of the governing equation are obtained by using constant dispersion coefficients. In addition, some ambiguities of the advective-dispersion equation are solved, and this equation is extended to fractured media.