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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 3

A Comparison of Prediction and Tapucu Experimental Data for Determination of the Axial Velocity in the Gap Region

A. Cihat Baytaṣ

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 3 / June 1990 / Pages 417-425

Technical Paper / RELAP/MOD2 / Heat Transfer and fluid Flow /

Many computer codes are based on subchannel analysis, which is important for thermal-hydraulic analysis of the reactor core. Most of these codes make some assumptions to determine the axial velocity in the gap region (AVGR), but no real arguments have been given to justify these assumptions. A new way to determine the AVGR between two parallel single-phase flows that communicate by a lateral slot has been successfully incorporated in Tapucu’s subchannel analysis experiments.