American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 3

The RELAP5-FORCE MOD2 Code, A Hydrodynamic Forcing Function Calculation Version of RELAP5

Juan M. Cajigas

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 3 / June 1990 / Pages 316-325

Technical Paper / RELAP/MOD2 / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

A version of the RELAP/MOD2 code has been developed to allow the direct calculation of hydrodynamic piping load histories. The code allows the calculation of piping forcing functions within the same computer run used to evaluate the transient thermofluid conditions. A description of this code, RELAP5-FORCE MOD2 is provided. The accuracy and validity of RELAP5-FORCE MOD2 are demonstrated by comparisons to benchmark test data.