American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 2

Image Reconstruction for a Radiation Field Mapping Device

Robert Gould, Edward S. Kenney

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 2 / February 1990 / Pages 247-251

Technical Paper / Technique /

A proof-of-principle device for producing isodose maps of the radiation field due to an arbitrary gamma-ray source distribution has been constructed. Borrowing methodology from medical computerized tomography imaging, radiation fields are scanned with a pair of collimated ionization chambers by a series of rotations and translations. Experimental considerations limit each scan to two carriage positions, resulting in highly distorted maps. By modeling the map distortion as the result of a linear, space invariant degrading function, an inverse filter was used to remove the distortion. Application of the inverse filter has proved fruitful, and high-quality accurate maps have been produced