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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 3

Fast Flux Test Facility Fuel Handling Experience—November 1979 to August 1988

Delwin M. Romrell, Don M. Art, Richard D. Redekopp, James B. Waldo, Jerry L. Marshall

Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 3 / September 1989 / Pages 264-274

Technical Paper / Fuel Cycle /

The fuel handling sequence at the Fast Flux Test Reactor in Richland, Washington, utilizes several computer-aided fuel handling machines, a fuel conditioning station, and fuel storage vessels. Each system is designed to appropriately maintain the sodium-wetted fuel in an argon atmosphere (to prevent sodium reaction with moisture and oxygen) and control the temperature of the fuel assembly within the specified limits. Refueling experience has been used to decrease plant refueling time. Equipment utilization has exceeded original estimates because of changes in the irradiation program. Most of the fuel handling equipment has operated reliably, but with aging, some equipment upgrades are in progress or are being planned.