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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 3

Low-Enriched Uranium Conversion/Power Upgrade of The Ohio State University Research Reactor

Tunc Aldemir, Joseph W. Talnagi,*, Don W. Miller

Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 3 / September 1989 / Pages 248-263

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

The 10-kW, highly enriched uranium (HEU) fueled Ohio State University Research Reactor (OSURR) is being upgraded to operate at 500 kW under natural convection core cooling with the recently licenced lowenriched uranium (LEU), high-density U3Si2fuel. The OSURR will be the first university reactor to use standardized U3Si2 plates for a full-core conversion from HEU to LEU fuel. The activities toward conversion/power upgrade objectives include (a) a neutronic performance assessment of 15 LEU cores with 16 plate standard and 10 plate control elements under expected operating conditions; (b) simulation of OSURR threedimensional pool dynamics under various pool configurations to limit the pool top 16N activity (PTNA) to operationally allowable levels; (c) determination of a new correlation to predict onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) in thin, rectangular channels under low-velocity, upward flow conditions; and (d) design of a pool heat removal system (PHRS). These activities have identified three possible LEU cores with a cold, clean shutdown margin in the range from 1.57 to 1.91% Δk/k that allow steady-state operation at 500 kW with a 50 to 60% margin to ONB. A system configuration that minimizes PTNA while maximizing the primary inlet temperature to PHRS to improve the heat exchanger efficiency has also been identified. The PHRS is designed to remove 500 kW through an ethylene-glycol heat exchanger and a dry cooler when the outside air temperature is <33°C. The PHRS also has an auxiliary heat exchanger to allow operation without power derating when the air temperature is >33°C.