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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 1

Identification of Two-Phase Flow Regimes by Neutron Noise Analysis

C. H. King, M. S. Ouyang, B. S. Pei, S. C. Lee

Nuclear Technology / Volume 86 / Number 1 / July 1989 / Pages 70-75

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

A new technique is proposed for analyzing neutron noise signals to identify two-phase flow patterns in an experimental reactor. Based on the modeling of neutron signals by autoregressive moving average models via an optimization technique, two-phase flow patterns can be identified by a single index known as the “dynamic signature.” A computer code is set up in an IBM-PC/XT microcomputer by which ∼90% of the experimental cases have been successfully identified among 86 data sets. This technique is recommended for the analysis of boiling water reactor neutron signals to generate a data base for designing a core flow monitoring system. This technique would be useful in understanding thermohydraulic phenomena in an operating power reactor.