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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 3

The Performance of the Remote Analytical Laboratory During the First Fluorinel Dissolution Process Campaign

L. C. Lewis, J. P. Henscheid

Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 3 / June 1989 / Pages 294-299

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

The Remote Analytical Laboratory at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant was designed to provide analytical chemistry support to the irradiated fuel processing and associated waste processing operations. The facility was put into radioactive operation on July 7, 1986, and operated for more than a year during the first fluorinel fuel dissolution process campaign. The facility incorporated a number of innovative features and was equipped with state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation. The success of the facility is a direct function of how well the remote analytical equipment performed. A wide range of high-technology methods, which were adapted for remote use, proved to be reliable and provided accurate measurements of chemical parameters. Sample turnaround times were of interest because in some instances the turnaround time was the process rate-limiting step. Several innovative features were built into the system to reduce turnaround time. These included remote log-in of samples, pneumatic sample delivery systems, specialized training, computerized sample result reporting, and improvements in the placement of equipment.