American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 1

Results and Analyses of Dry Rod Consolidation Using Westinghouse Spent-Fuel Assemblies

Krishna Vinjamuri, Edgar M. Feldman, Carlan K. Mullen, Robert C. Hill

Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 1 / April 1989 / Pages 48-56

Technical Paper / Fuel Cycle /

Results of the Dry Rod Consolidation Technology Project performed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy by EG&G Idaho, Inc. are presented. The technology for dry horizontal consolidation of Westinghouse 15 x 15 pressurized water reactor spent-fuel assemblies was developed and demonstrated. A consolidation ratio of 2 to 1 was achieved. Fuel rods from 48 fuel assemblies were consolidated into 24 consolidation canisters, each having the same outside dimensions as those of the original fuel assembly. Information and data were collected that will contribute to the design and operation of the hardware for a follow-on Prototypical Consolidation Demonstration Project and for the industry at large. The nonfuel-bearing components or skeletons of the fuel assemblies were examined for principal radionuclides.