American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 1

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Secondary In-Service Inspection Project and Badness Factor Program

Ronald R. Winget

Nuclear Technology / Volume 85 / Number 1 / April 1989 / Pages 7-11

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Based on personal and industrial experiences, Point Beach Nuclear Plant personnel have developed a secondary in-service inspection program to detect and quantify significant service-related degradation and preexisting conditions in piping systems that could jeopardize the integrity of those systems in the future. The underlying objective of the program is to look at piping components whose failure could result in significant personnel or equipment damage. The primary concern is to locate areas of severe erosion-corrosion in carbon steel piping prior to the occurrence of a leak or catastrophic rupture. In addition, certain welds are examined to locate areas of significant fatigue damage demonstrated by service-related flaw extension or crack growth. Using an internally developed computer model called the Badness Factor Program, plant personnel rank components as to their susceptibility to erosion-corrosion and stress-induced fatigue. It uses hydrodynamic variables to assign a factor to each component and fitting so a comparison of the relative magnitudes of this factor can be made for a given system or piping section. A qualitative decision is then made as to where the most likely location is for degradation.