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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 81 / Number 2

Sodium Aerosol Behavior in Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Containments

S. Jordan, W. Cherdron, Jean-Claude Malet, Roger Rzekiecki, Yoshiaki Himeno

Nuclear Technology / Volume 81 / Number 2 / May 1988 / Pages 183-192

Technical Paper / Nuclear Aerosol Science / Nuclear Safety /

A tripartite consortium DEBENE (Deutschland-Belgium-Netherlands), Japan, and France studied the sodium evaporation process of aerosols in a sodium fire. In an inert atmosphere, experimental and theoretical condensation rates were compared and indicated sodium hydride (NaH) to be the foreign nucleus for mist formation. In a normal atmosphere, the physicochemical characteristics of the aerosols produced by a sodium fire and their evolution in containment or in the environment were determined; models enabling the various countries to achieve harmonious results were derived. The proper functioning of the components, guaranteeing perfect operation during and after a sodium fire accident, was tested.