American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 81 / Number 1

A Note on Heat and Mass Transfer to a Spray Droplet

Jeremy D. M. Linn, Stephen J. Maskell, Mike A. Patrick

Nuclear Technology / Volume 81 / Number 1 / April 1988 / Pages 122-125

Technical Note / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

Heat transfer rates to spray droplets under conditions corresponding to those of a loss-of-coolant accident in a light water nuclear reactor have been recalculated in light of the discovery of missing mass exchange terms in the equations of motion used in a previously published computation. While the inclusion of these missing terms into the model equations proves to make only a small difference in the rate of temperature increase of the droplet, the fall distance of the droplets, important in spray heat transfer efficiency, is significantly altered. Furthermore, it is shown that the predicted fall distance, e.g., at 95% temperature interval increase, is very sensitive to the drag law employed in the calculation.