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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 78 / Number 1

Tomographic Reconstruction of the Density Field Using Radial Polynomials

R. K. S. Rathore, P. Munshi, I. D. Dhariyal, S. T. Swamy

Nuclear Technology / Volume 78 / Number 1 / July 1987 / Pages 7-12

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Application of computerized tomography (CT) in two-phase flows has been discussed in the existing literature. Development of a fast, but simple, algorithm for reconstructing the density p or the absorption coefficient µ is attempted. The algorithm, involving radial polynomials (RAP), has been tested using simulated data for radially symmetric bubbly and annular two-phase flows. The RAP algorithm can also be applied in nonsymmetric flow situations, provided the information required is the cross-sectionally averaged density. The results indicate RAP to be a fast and accurate method for CT reconstructions involving an air-water flow system.