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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 143 / Number 1

Experimental Study on the Performance of the Passive Safety Injection in an IIST

Chin-Jang Chang, Chien-Hsiung Lee, Wen-Tang Hong, Lance L. C. Wang

Nuclear Technology / Volume 143 / Number 1 / July 2003 / Pages 65-76

Technical Paper / Thermal Hydraulics /

A passive core cooling system (PCCS) has been installed at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research Integral System Test facility. It includes three core makeup tanks (CMTs), three accumulators (ACCs), a four-stage automatic depressurization system (ADS), a passive residual heat removal (PRHR) heat exchanger submerged into an in-containment refueling water storage tank (IRWST). The purpose of this research is to study the performance of the PCCS with passive injection during either a pressure balance line (PBL) break or a direct vessel injection (DVI) line break. Five experiments were performed simulating break area ratios of 0.5 to 2.0% (1.88 to 3.77 mm) at either a PBL or a DVI line. The general system response and the interactions of CMT, ACC, PRHR, and IRWST to the effect of core heat removal are observed and discussed. The experimental results show long-term core cooling can be reached for the cases of the PBL break and the DVI-line break following the PCCS actuation procedures.