American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 77 / Number 1

Coal Analysis with Gamma Rays from Capture of 252Cf Neutrons—Experimental Equipment Designs and Results

Dick Duffey, Peter F. Wiggins

Nuclear Technology / Volume 77 / Number 1 / April 1987 / Pages 68-81

Technical Paper / Radioisotopes and Isotope Separation /

Assemblies have been built for measuring gamma rays from coal following the capture of neutrons from 252Cf. Sources of sizes to 60 μg of calcium 1.4 × 108 n/s were used. Paraffin moderated the fast neutrons, and beryllium metal was useful as a reflector. The gamma-ray spectrum from a Ge(Li) detector showed that the line intensities of a number of elements (e.g., hydrogen, iron, sulfur, and silicon) could be used to determine concentrations. The aim was to explore possible application in planned coal conversion plants.