American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 76 / Number 3

A Comparison of Measured Radionuclide Release Rates from Three Mile Island Unit-2 Core Debris for Different Oxygen Chemical Potentials

V. F. Baston, K. J. Hofstetter, Robert F. Ryan

Nuclear Technology / Volume 76 / Number 3 / March 1987 / Pages 377-389

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Chemical and radiochemical analyses of reactor coolant samples taken during defueling of the Three Mile Island Unit-2 (TMI-2) reactor provide relevant data to assist in understanding the solution chemistry of the radionuclides retained within the TMI-2 reactor coolant system. Hydrogen peroxide was added to various plant systems to provide disinfection for microbial contamination and has provided the opportunity to observe radionuclide release under different oxygen chemical potentials. A comparison of the radionuclide release rates with and without hydrogen peroxide has been made for these separate but related cases, i.e., the fuel transfer canal and connecting spent-fuel pool A with the TMI-2 reactor plenum in the fuel transfer canal, core debris grab sample laboratory experiments, and the reactor vessel fluid and associated core debris. Correlation and comparison of these data indicate a physical parameter dependence (surface-to-volume ratio) affecting all radionuclide release; however, selected radionuclides also demonstrate a chemical dependence release under the different oxygen chemical potentials.