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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 142 / Number 1

Evaluation of the RETRAN-3D Wall Friction Models and Heat Transfer Coefficient Correlations

Craig E. Peterson, John G. Shatford, James F. Harrison, Lance J. Agee

Nuclear Technology / Volume 142 / Number 1 / April 2003 / Pages 64-76

Technical Paper / RETRAN /

This paper presents an evaluation of many of the RETRAN-3D two-phase pressure drop and heat transfer models by comparing model prediction to a large body of experimental data.

RETRAN-3D has been used to evaluate multiple two-phase pressure drop models utilizing an extensive experimental two-phase pressure drop database. The experimental pressure drop data cover both heated and adiabatic tests in upflow and horizontal configurations for a wide range of key parameters such as pressure, mass flux, quality, and pipe diameters. Two RETRAN-3D two-phase friction options and the Friedel two-phase friction model are tested and compared to the data. For the two-phase friction models compared herein, the modified Baroczy model available in RETRAN-3D is the best choice for all adiabatic and diabatic situations.

The RETRAN-3D code has also been used to simulate a wide variety of heat transfer experiments. These heat transfer data cover single-phase and two-phase conditions over a large range of pressure, heat flux, and mass flux values. The performance of the RETRAN-3D default forced convection heat transfer coefficient correlations is evaluated. The Petukhov correlations provide comparable results for single-phase liquid, but the Dittus-Boelter model provides markedly better statistics for single-phase vapor. The RETRAN five-equation model that combines the Dittus-Boelter and Thom correlations provides the best overall subcooled and saturated boiling statistics and scatter chart behavior.