American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 71 / Number 1

The CABRI Fast Neutron Hodoscope

K. Baumung, K. Böhnel, H. Bluhm

Nuclear Technology / Volume 71 / Number 1 / October 1985 / Pages 353-365

Technical Paper / Technique /

The fast neutron hodoscope installed at the CABRI reactor in Cadarache, France, is used to measure axial fuel relocations subsequent to the disruption of single test pins submitted to simulated severe accident conditions. The design, data acquisition system, and hodoscope operation during an experiment are described. Different data evaluation methods are discussed, and the corresponding display techniques are illustrated. The models developed for the fuel signal to mass conversion are presented. Typical results obtained with the hodoscope during the past 20 CABRI experiments are briefly summarized.