American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 70 / Number 1

RETRAN Analysis of the Hanford N Reactor for a Loss of Feedwater

Bruce E. Schmitt

Nuclear Technology / Volume 70 / Number 1 / July 1985 / Pages 26-29

Technical Paper / Third International Retran Meeting / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

The computer code RETRAN-02 is being used to analyze operational transients at the Hanford N Reactor. Included in the scope of the transients is a loss of feedwater from two 430-MW(electric) turbines to the secondary cooling system. An actual loss of feedwater from one of the two turbines occurred prior to this analysis, and plant data obtained from this transient were used in the validation of the RETRAN computer model. These data are compared with the RETRAN-02 predictions.