American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 70 / Number 2

Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Oxide Dispersion Strengthening Ferritic Alloy Canning Tubes for Fast Reactor Fuel Pins

J.-J. Huet, L. Coheur, A. De Bremaecker, L. De Wilde, J. Gedopt, W. Hendrix, W. Vandermeulen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 70 / Number 2 / August 1985 / Pages 215-219

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

Ferritic steels are interesting for fast reactor core application because of the absence of swelling. As canning material, because of the higher temperature involved, new ferritic steels with oxide dispersion strengthening were developed. Fabrication methods are given and their mechanical irradiation and sodium compatibility properties are reviewed.