American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 69 / Number 2

Transfer of Molecular Fission Products Between a Gas and a Surface, with Application to Iodine Retention in a Granular Bed

Hans S. Häggblom

Nuclear Technology / Volume 69 / Number 2 / May 1985 / Pages 170-177

Nuclear Safety /

Included in a project on a filtered and vented system for mitigating reactor meltdown accident consequences, FILTRA, a computational model, was developed for the investigation of iodine adsorption and desorption in a granular bed. The model considers physical adsorption, chemisorption, and desorption of free molecules carried by a gas through the bed. The calculational results show good agreement with experiments. A simplified version of the model has been used for calculating condensation and vaporization of volatile fission products in the primary circuit. The radioactive decay was ignored.