American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 68 / Number 3

Postirradiation Behavior of Naturally and Artificially Defected UO2 Fuel Elements at 250°C in Air

Ian J. Hastings, Elio Mizzan, John R. Kelm, Robert E. Moeller, J. Novak

Nuclear Technology / Volume 68 / Number 3 / March 1985 / Pages 418-422

Technical Note / Nuclear Fuel /

Irradiated UO2 fuel elements with multiple and single 0.8-mm-diam artificial defects showed significant diametral increases, bowing, and sheath cracking after <200 h at 250°C in air. An irradiated UO2 element with a natural defect under identical conditions exhibited similar behavior. Fuel oxidation was localized in the vicinity of the defects; behavior was independent of power history.