American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 67 / Number 1

Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis of Reactor Fuel Samples

James W. Behrens, Ronald G. Johnson, Roald A. Schrack

Nuclear Technology / Volume 67 / Number 1 / October 1984 / Pages 162-168

Technical Paper / Analyse /

Neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) was used to measure the isotopic content of fresh and spent nuclear reactor fuel samples. Using the National Bureau of Standards 100-MeV electron Linac as a pulsed neutron source, neutron transmission spectra were measured for two samples of fresh reactor fuel and two samples of spent fuel. The transmission spectra were fit using the well-known and unique neutron cross sections for each isotope of interest. For the fresh fuel samples, the 235U and 238U contents were determined and compared to the results of a destructive analysis. Excellent agreement was obtained. For the spent fuel samples, the abundances of 11 actinides and 5 fission products were obtained. NRTA was shown to be a method for nondestructive analysis with high isotopic discrimination and high accuracy.