American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 66 / Number 3

Constitutive Equations for the Description of Creep and Creep Rupture Behavior of Metallic Materials at Temperatures Above 800 °C

Heinz-Josef Penkalla, Hans-Helmut Over, Florian Schubert

Nuclear Technology / Volume 66 / Number 3 / September 1984 / Pages 685-692

H. Design Codes and Life Prediction / Status of Metallic Materials Development for Application in Advanced High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor / Material /

At high temperatures, the creep deformation of metallic materials is correlated with the accumulation of creep damage. Creep crack growth leads to a decrease of bearing cross section and an increase in stationary creep. Both variables, creep strain rate and creep damage, are described by a system of coupled differential equations. The solutions of these equations are given for the boundary conditions of creep tests under constant load, for creep rupture behavior, for damage accumulation in the creep region, and for creep-regimed low-cycle fatigue. A general correlation between applied stress, cumulative strain, and cumulative damage is given.